Lanz Lowen


Lanz Lowen coaches executive leaders and facilitates teams in clarifying purpose, defining strategic priorities, resolving conflict, and increasing influence.  Coaching engagements, as well as team interventions, typically begin with survey assessments and/or individual interviews.  For more information see:  (

Lanz is an adjunct staff-member at Stanford University’s School of Business and at JFK University’s Coaching Certificate Program.  Prior to establishing his consulting practice, Lanz was the Manager of Organization Development and Training in the corporate offices of Mervyn’s Department Stores.

Lanz Lowen has an M.S. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from San Francisco State and an M.A. in Clinical Psychology from the Professional School of Psychology in San Francisco.

Other Interests:

Lanz was very involved in the early AIDS movement,  running volunteer support groups for the AIDS Health Project and creating an independent video profiling long-term survivors (Living Courageously).  He is a founding Board Member of Shamanic Circles ( ),  an occasional DJ and a dedicated flagger.

© copyright 2016 Lanz Lowen and Blake Spears